Test Automation | Calibration | Automated Test Equipment : Bharti Automation

29-Jan-2024 | India | IOT Solutions

What is Automation Test? Defination, Equipment

Automated testing refers to the process of using software tools and scripts to execute predefined test cases and compare actual outcomes with expected results automatically.

Automated testing refers to the process of using software tools and scripts to execute predefined test cases and compare actual outcomes with expected results automatically. It is a method of software testing that aims to increase efficiency, accuracy, and repeatability by reducing manual intervention.

In automated testing, test scripts are written to simulate user interactions with the software application, such as clicking buttons, entering data, and navigating through screens. These scripts can be created using various testing frameworks, scripting languages, and automation tools.

Types of test equipment used in automation

Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs): PLCs are widely used in industrial automation to control machinery and processes. They can be programmed to perform specific tasks, monitor inputs, and control outputs based on predefined logic.

Sensors: Sensors play a crucial role in automation by detecting changes in physical parameters such as temperature, pressure, motion, proximity, and more. They provide feedback to the control system, enabling it to make decisions and take appropriate actions.

Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs): HMIs allow operators to interact with and monitor the automation system. They provide a graphical interface for displaying real-time data, controlling processes, and accessing system parameters.

Actuators: Actuators are devices used to convert control signals from the automation system into physical motion or action. Examples include motors, solenoid valves, pneumatic cylinders, and hydraulic actuators.

Vision Inspection Systems: Vision inspection systems use cameras and image processing algorithms to inspect products for defects, measure dimensions, read barcodes, and perform quality control in manufacturing processes.

Data Acquisition Systems (DAS): DAS collects data from various sensors and instruments within the automation system. They can monitor process variables, record data for analysis, and provide real-time feedback to the control system.

Test Benches: Test benches are used to simulate real-world operating conditions and test the performance of components, subsystems, or entire systems before deployment. They often incorporate instrumentation, control systems, and simulation software.

Communication Protocols: Various communication protocols such as Modbus, Profibus, Ethernet/IP, and DeviceNet are used to facilitate communication between different automation devices and systems, allowing them to exchange data and commands.

Power Supplies: Power supplies provide the necessary electrical power to operate automation components such as controllers, sensors, actuators, and communication devices.

Test and Measurement Instruments: Instruments such as oscilloscopes, multimeters, signal generators, and spectrum analyzers are used for troubleshooting, calibration, and performance testing of automation systems.


Test equipment in automation encompasses a range of tools and devices crucial for validating the functionality, performance, and reliability of automated systems. From sensors and actuators to PLCs and vision inspection systems, these tools play a vital role in ensuring the efficiency and effectiveness of automated processes.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key components of an automated testing setup?

An automated testing setup typically includes test automation frameworks, test automation tools, test scripts, test data, and a test execution environment. These components work together to automate the execution of test cases and analyze test results.

How do sensors contribute to automation?

Sensors detect changes in physical parameters such as temperature, pressure, motion, and proximity, providing feedback to control systems. This enables automation by allowing systems to monitor and respond to their environment in real time.

What role do vision inspection systems play in automation?

Vision inspection systems use cameras and image processing algorithms to inspect products, detect defects, and perform quality control in manufacturing and assembly processes. They automate visual inspections, ensuring product quality and consistency.

Why are communication protocols important in automation?

Communication protocols enable data exchange between automation devices and systems, facilitating interoperability and collaboration in distributed automation environments. They ensure seamless communication and coordination between different components of an automated system.