Test Automation | Calibration | Automated Test Equipment : Bharti Automation

Current Transformer and Potential Transformer

A current transformer (CT) is a type of transformer that is used to reduce or multiply an alternating current (AC). It produces a current in its secondary which is proportional to the current in its primary. A CT for operation on a 110 kV grid. A potential transformer is mainly used to measure high alternating voltage in a power system. Potential transformers are step-down transformers, i.e., they have many turns in the primary winding while the secondary has few turns. Bharti Automation Pvt Ltd has capability for testing CT/PT as per IS 16227 (Part 1) : 2016/IEC 61869-1:2007/ IS 16227 (PART 2): 2016/IEC 61869 (PART 2): 2012/IS 16227 (Part-3 ): 2016/ IEC 61869 (PART 3): 2011/IEC 61869-4:2013.