Test Automation | Calibration | Automated Test Equipment : Bharti Automation

Cyclic Corrosion/Salt Spray Test

Salt spray testing is a method of checking the corrosion resistance of coatings and materials used to manufacture products such as fasteners. During salt spray testing, an accelerated corrosive attack is produced in order to better predict how well the coating protects the metal. Cyclic corrosion testing is intended to be a more realistic way to perform salt spray tests than traditional, steady state exposures. Because actual atmospheric exposures usually include both wet and dry conditions, it makes sense to pattern accelerated laboratory tests after these natural cyclic conditions BAPL can conduct Salt Spray Test to evaluate the coating on various products. It is covered under standards like ASTM B-117/JSS 55555 /QM 333/MIL STD 810/MIL STD 202/DIN 50021/IEC 60068-2-11/IS:9000(Part XI)/ISO 10289/ISO 9227/JISZ2371 and various other Indian and International Standards. We also conduct Cyclic corrosion test as per IEC 60068-2-52: 2017 and Other national and International Standard.