Test Automation | Calibration | Automated Test Equipment : Bharti Automation

Hot Deformation Test

Thermoplastic insulation and sheath of electric cables are subjected to such conditions while they Ire in continuous operation and undue deformation will impair their functional utility. This test is here fore carried out to check whether they have sufficient resistance to such deformation. BAPL has well qualified test Engineer and Modern test facility to perform the Hot deformation test as per BS EN 50525-2-11 : 2011/IEC 60227 (Part-1): 2007/IS 694: 2010/IS 7098(Part I): 1988/IS 1554 (Part-I) : 1988/BS EN 50397-1: 2020/IEC 60502 (Part-1): 2004/IS 2465: 1984/IS/ISO 6722: 2006/IS 9968 (Part-2): 2002/IS 10810(Part-15) : 1984/IEC 62893-1: 2017/IS 7098(Part 2): 2011/IEC 60811-508: 2012 and other national and international standard.